These days when I read an article I try to dissect it into tiny bits called The Argument, Premise, Supporting Information, Assumption and finally The Conclusion. If you are wondering what the hell am I talking about then it is high time for you to start preparing for your future, The GMAT.
My manager replaced one of my colleague today as his salary was double of mine and we both work for the same technology. He was not needed anymore.
Being a techie with 5 years of wasted life or I must say IT experience a thought passed my mind, tomorrow if my Manager finds another resource whose salary is 1/3 of mine having similar technical skills as mine he is surely going to show me the door. Such a scary thought!
When I spoke to my seniors with 6+ years of experience they told me that they were not getting any Job interview calls.
This is why I say 5 years of wasted professional experience. Your experience has no value add to your future or your company. If your situation is same as mine shift your ass from the god damn couch and start studying for the GMAT.
Now the GMAT dissection of the above paragraph ;)
Premise of the above argument: - "My manager replaced one of my colleague today as his salary was double as mine and we both work for the same technology. He was not needed anymore."
Assumption: - People with high experience in the IT industry have no value
Supporting information: - When I spoke to my seniors with 6+ years of experience they told me that they were not getting any Job interview calls.
Conclusion: - Stop watching that damn TV and start preparing for your Future :)